Enabling Voice Input into the Open Web and Firefox OS
With the advent of smartphones triggered by iPhone in 2007, Touch became the primary mode of input for interacting with these devices. And now with the advent of wearables (and other hands-free technologies that existed before), Voice is becoming another key method of input. The possibilities of experiences Voice Input enables are huge, to say the least.
They go beyond just merely interacting with in-vehicle devices, accessories and wearables. Just think of the avenues Voice Input opens up for bringing more technologies to more people. It’s enormous: Accessibility, Literacy, Gaming, VR and the list goes on. There is a social vibe there that definitely resonates with our mission at Mozilla detailed in our Mozilla Manifesto
How it started
Both current leading mobile OS/ecosystem providers of today- Apple & Google have their native experiences with Siri and “OK Google” (coupled with Google Now). We really needed an effort to enable Voice Input into the first ecosystem that existed – the open Web. Around MWC 2013 in Barcelona, when Desigan Chinniah introduced me to André Natal – Firefox contributor from Brazil, we had a conversation around this and we instantly agreed to do something about this in whichever way possible. Andre told me about being inspired from a talk by Brendan Eich in BrazilJS, so I did not have much convincing to do. :-)First steps
We had numerous calls and meetings over the past year on the approach and tactics around this. Since “code wins arguments”, the basic work started in parallel with Firefox desktop and FxOS Unagi devices, later switching to Mozilla Flame devices over time. Over a period of the past year, we had several meetings with Mozilla engineering leads on exact approach and decided to break this effort into several smaller phases (“baby steps”).The first target was getting Web Speech API implemented, and getting acoustic/language modules integrated with a decoder and giving that a try. Lots of similar minded folks in Mozilla Engineering/QA & community helped along with guidance and code-reviews while Andre moonlighted (on top of his day job) with a very high focus. Things moved fast in past month or so. (Well, to be honest, the only day this effort slowed down was when Team Brazil lost to Germany in FIFA 2014. :-)) Full credit to André for his hard work!
Where are we?
Our current thinking is to get a grammar-based (limited commands) app working first and distribute it in our rich & diverse international Mozilla community for accent-based testing and enhancements. Once we have this stablilized, we will get into the phase 2 where we can focus more on natural language processing and get closer to a virtual assistant experience sometime in future that can give users voice based answers. There is lots of work to do there and we are just beginning.I will save the rest of the details for later and jump to the current status this month. Where are we so far?
We now have the Web Speech API ready for testing and we have a couple demos for you to see!
Desktop: Firefox Nightly on Mac
1) http://youtu.be/1nSUvZlLMt82) http://youtu.be/R2PPz-O93X0
Editor’s note: for full effect, start playing the two above videos at the same time.
Firefox OS demo
So Come, Join us!
If you want to follow along, please look at the SpeechRTC – Speech enabling the open web wiki and Bug 1032964 – Enabling Voice input in Firefox OS.
So jump in and help out if you can. We need all of you (and your voices). Remember “Many Voices, One Mozilla”!